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Your Guide to Developing a High-Impact Team

Do you really want to achieve your goals this year? How about blow past them?

If you answered "yes" to both questions, then you need to transform your team into an executing machine.

In this series of articles, we explore the making of a high-performing team and provide tools that will help you make this goal a reality.

Before we dive in, let’s take a look at the characteristics of an environment in which there is a lack of execution and reverse engineer them into solutions that will increase accountability in your organization.

This whole discussion assumes your team is comprised of "A Players." If you have read our previous blog posts, you may already know what an A-Player is — and the writers of Who: The A Method for Hiring say it’s a “candidate who has at least a 90% chance of achieving a set of outcomes that only the top 10% of possible candidates could achieve.”

If you have had your doubts or a gnawing feeling in your gut about someone on your team, you need to take action now. The cost of replacing a B or C Player with an A Player will be more than compounded in ROI. We dive into this, and more, in our series.


Click below to find all issues of the High-Impact Team series.

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