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Rest More to Achieve More

The secret to maximizing energy, time, and productivity. 2nd in a Series.

As we get older, we experience more moments where we're forced to turn our attention to our body. It’s not just about exercise, proper nutrition and better sleep, though all those are important. It’s about making major time commitments to self-care. And, for those of us in the active and athletic 50+ crowd, it may mean developing an entire new family at the local physical therapy office as a result of the skeletal and soft-tissue disruptions that inevitably plague us.

For those who are naturally driven to make time for themselves, this isn’t such a big issue. But for the achievement addicts that live on the dopamine of productivity at work, the importance of a detachment from “work” is compounded by marathons at the computer, whether standing or sitting, ergonomically correct or not.

Here’s the good news for THOSE people.

In this guest article for Equita Financial Network, Qii Consulting founder Colleen Jordan Hallinan provides you with a key to increased productivity that will put you in the company of the world’s most creative and accomplished individuals in history.


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